Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Back

Happy Thanksgiving to all the recovering peeps out there. Today I have so much to grateful for. Today although my entire family is not here with me in my new place. My oldest who has struggled with his own demons, is here, my Fiancee is here with her rat dog, my youngest was here to hunt with me all week and my parents are here in my heart.

3 Years ago today I lied in a snowbank in deer camp, praying for something, I wanted needed the pain to stop. I wasn't sure what I was praying for, or to whom. I tried to kill myself early that day, but someone had different plans for me. It has been a hard long road that I have traveled down since that day. But I did not walk it alone. At times when I could not go on, I got strength knowing that I was not alone in my journey, many of you had this desire to drink removed, and that was amazing to me. You laughed, not cried, you joked, not screamed, you loved not hated. I was told to keep keeping on, keep coming back, bring the body the soul will follow. I was told that you would love me until I could learn to myself again.

Today thru the gifts of my higher power I have a turkey in the oven in my house. I have family here that loves me now. I have true friends that I can call when feeling down. I have learned to love myself, and now I know how to love someone else for who they are, not what I want them to be.

I love each and everyone one of you, for who you are! Thanks for being part of my journey. We stand in a circle to close, knowing that we never have to stand alone again!

Peace hugs and Kisses
