Tuesday, September 16, 2008

coming Soon

Coming soon to a Blog near you.

"To stay in Place would be certain Death....."

To stay in Place would mean Certain Death!!! What power words. These words were said by some politician in Texas towards the people that were not leaving before Ike hit. WOW!!! stay in place,,,certain death. Until i admitted that I was powerless over alcohol i continued to stay in place,,If I did nothing I would die. He was talking to people to leave their house, for me those words make the hair on my neck stand up. I face that decision everyday. Stay in place and Die, or move and work the steps that so many have showed me how to work. If I choose to get of my coach and be a member of AA, go to meeting, be of service, talk to the newcomer I move forward. I contain to grow spirtically as long as I do what I have been told to do. Go to meeting, be of service, read the big book, and get a home group and TALK to my sponsor.

I can not afford to be complacent in my recovery I must move forward to do otherwise would mean certain death.

Thank you for being here today for me

Peace hugs and kisses


An Irish Friend of Bill said...

hi there stevie!
nice to see you posting!

Judith said...

Are we going to get an update? Now you've left me hanging, lol...

Judith said...

Hi again, Steve. I've just tagged you with a meme. :)

Scott M. Frey said...

glad you've chosen not to stay in place, my friend!

dAAve said...

Keep stepping forward.

Chip and Katie McAslan said...

Hi Steve,
I am working on a research project on what addicts are looking for in a treatment center, and how to inspire them to take the step into recovery.

If you'd be willing to talk, I would love to speak with you. Let me know if you you'd be up for it.

Thank you so much, and congratulations on your sobriety.

Anonymous said...

Sitting still sober is the hardest thing I've ever done. So far I'm up to 3 minutes.
