Sunday, June 3, 2007

Running to or from something?

Running to or from that is the question. First Thanks Lush for getting me out to play again TodAAy. Yes its been a week since I posted. can't even say I been busy. Been praying to find find gods will not Steve's will.

Went on a job interview last Thurs. Was up all night Wednesday, thinking, and praying, meditating. I was offered the job they are going to get final numbers back and go from there. It would require me to move. One of the big NO-No's in early sobriety. It feels so right, it feels like this a chance to change to grow a chance for all to heal.

Today is June 12. I am sitting in a hotel in Sioux Falls, SD. It is amazing that AA is the same in SD as in Illinois as in Northern Wisconsin We are a bunch of alcoholics trying to trudge our way through. My mind has been racing with doubt and guilt. My says I'm running from but my heart says I'm running to. Through all of this decision making I still feel that this is right. My HP has put so many people in my life for this not to be the wrong decision. Helping me make this decision was the overwhelming faith of others that i could do this. Arriving in SD my suitcase wasn't even put away before i found a meeting. Today i am grateful for the open and loving arms of AA everywhere. I will catch you all up when i return to my new home in Southern Wisconsin.

Peace, hugs and kisses


Judith said...

Hi Steve! I am so glad to hear from you. (THANK YOU LUSHGURL!!)

I moved when I was 8 months sober and it was a terrific thing for me. It was also difficult at the time, but also really good at the same time. I immediately immersed myself into the AA group here as much as I could. I never spoke much, but got my butt to meetings daily. I couldn't be happier with my new home group.

I moved because my husband had a job that we had talked about before my sobriety and it also made sense for us outside my issues. We weren't running from anything. We weren't really leaving anything behind either.

My point is, don't avoid not moving just for the sake of not moving. But think hard about the decision. It is not an easy one. For me it worked out wonderfully, but it could be very difficult. You have your kids to consider, which is something really, really hard from what I have seen from my sister's situation (and she doesn't have alcoholism to throw in the mix).

You'll figure it out. Just listen to your HP (or like my buddy David likes to say, listen to the butterflies in your gut).

Lots of love to you,

Nay said...

Missed you.

Congrats on the positive job interview status and looks like things are looking up for ya.

I don't know what AA says about it, but it could be a fresh start and could be an opportunity to "get away" from some of the stressors or triggers that you may have.

As in any journey, no one is a text book copy. Each journey is personal.

I wish you well, and have I told you lately. I'm proud of you.


Trudging said...

Good for you!

lushgurl said...

Hey you! I am not one to give unsolicited advice (don't hurt yourself LAO...) BUT, I do think that this move might be a good thing for you! Why- you ask? Because you got your butt to a meeting, and you asked your HP for His will for you!
Among other things, these are all positive changes for Steve, right?
You have come a long way baby- look forward with your feet planted in today- you WILL succeed!!!
love ya!

Sober Steve said...

This feels so right. It has been strange going to resturants by myself and ordering Ice tea. It me that thinks it is strange.

This is my life today. One that I love. I feel so sad about leaving my boys behind, but some how I know it is right. Will post pics when I get home. I can not post from hotel PC. The firewall will not let me.

Gotto run going to a minor league ball game tonight. Miss blog stalking you all,,,watch out whne I return..

Hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

What the heck are you doing in South Dakota? Stalking Prairie Dogs?? Dude - fill us in here...

Sylvia said...

Hi. Glad to see the progress you have made. Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you.

Scott M. Frey said...

good job on getting right to a meeting, you know what side of the bread the butter can be found on!

Steve, if ya have to make a major change in the first yr, just do it with much counsel and prayer... All I think we say when we say that is no major decisions wihtout consulting trusted people bud. Sometimes, we gotta make a major change in order to grow... I am proud of what you're doing ym friend! Keep sharing, keep growing!

peace and hugs to you

My Name Here said...

Missed you my friend!! Congrats on the job!! Keep us posted. And, have you spoken to your sponsor about the move??