Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Sending hugs to all my Valentines

Hey recovering Peeps. Just had a great work out the Y. SC you better watch out. My spirts are much higher this week. Day 15 Now. When I meet my HP we are going to have a long talk. They say God never throws anything at you that you can not handle. I really thought there might be a break between those curve balls though. But I'm still swinging at them. I'm not giving up. I'm stronger than I realized. I just didn't believe in myself, when others did. So I only have 15 mins at the computer at the Y so this will be short. BUT sweet. Just like all the prayers, and wishes. I have been hitting the floor with hands folded kneeling by the beside nightly and giving thanks to my higher power. And in the morning just asking my HP to help get me through the day without quiting or drinking.

Well I goto run,,really run. Have 10 mins to get back to rehab. This is neat that I can come over to the YMCA. I'm getting back in shape, and feeling great about it. Hope you all have a great Valentines day. Hope to chat again soon. I'm cooking Thurs so it will probably be this weekend before I can post again.

Hugs and Kisses


Pammie said...

YEAH're doin' the deal...KEEP IT UP.

ArahMan7 said...

You're doing great, Steve.

Happy Valentines.

Meg Moran said...

Remember Steve, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. This is a process and you are moving through it. You won't always be where you are today. Your HP will reveal amazing things for your life, as you do this deal. Hang in.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Cool. Exercise AND blogging! You are doing GREAT. Keep it up!!
Everything happens for a reason. You just have to TRUST that, even though all you can see is that everything looks upside down. Believe me, I know! My life may not be going through the same level of uheaval as yours, but I am having a mini (God-organised) 'restructuring'. Nothing stays the same, and you would be surprised what turns out to be GOOD for us in the end. As they say..
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.

Just keep showing up, and TRYING to do the next right thing..and everything else will just fall as it shoud.

Anonymous said...

I came to the realization (and more so acceptance) that I need to exercise. Boot Camp is saving my life. If I don't do it then I will default back into bulimia, then cutting, then drinking. I must stay on top of my game as you must my friend.

It is so GREAT to get an update. Of my 2 best trudging sistas, one relapsed yesterday. It is refreshing to read your post. Keep it up. Go go go!!!!!

Scott M. Frey said...

go Steve go!!! I too have been a memeber of the Y since Nov, and have actually found my way into a consistent workout deal (4 days a week) and I am really hoping this gets me in better shape. I know I feel better when I go and I am grateful that I have kept with it a day at a time.

Congrats on your progress through rehab, you sound great, sir!

peace be with you!