Saturday, December 30, 2006

Letter to SC (on day four)

Dec 2, 2006

Thanks for the encouragement of Starting a recovery blog. Right now I do not think that I am strong enough. I was amazed on how many people like yourself are there for support. I called AA this morning about a meeting, all I got was voice mail. Found meeting dates in the area from the net. My company Christmas party is today, passing it up. There wouldn't be a day five. Like I said not strong enough.

So if I was to write a blog this would be my start...

On day Four God created the seasons for days and years...God made two great lights to rule the day, and a lessor to rule the night, he then created stars. God then set them fourth to give light upon the earth one to rule the day, the other to rule the night. and God saw it was good.

So day Four for Steve
I have awoken to a new beginning. A new day with new hope. The sun has always rose in my life and darkness has always followed. A drink has also followed these times, by nightfall it would consume me. So this morning with a new day upon us something was different, for the first time in years my world was not cloudy, there was hope, there was life. So tonight when darkness falls, it falls upon a new person, one with hope, one with love for myself, wife and kids. As the stars start to glow I will remember the wish I made last week. The wish for strength for stopping and controlling my drinking.
And Steve saw that this was good


Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

I am sooooo excited to see you up and running. I look forward to seeing your entries as you experience your life in Alcoholics Anonymous.

I am jumping with excitement!!! Whoo Hoooo!

Scott M. Frey said...

Steve, I saw your blog link on Christina's (Sober Chick) blog and had to come welcome you to recovery and to the blogosphere. Hang in there, you only have to do this one day at a time, and you're absolutely not alone, my friend!

My blog can be found at

peace to you, my friend!

Scott W said...

Welcome Steve. Stick around and you will be amazed at what will come your way.

lash505 said...

Welcome Steveo. keep blogging SC is the queen.

JJ said...

Hey SS - Sent this way via Sober Chick and congratulations on 30 days! Keep up the good work.