Sunday, March 11, 2007

So mad I'm shaking

This is going to be short. Like my visting hours today. From 1-4:45. 3 hours and 45 mins to catch up on my week. i just talked, ok yelled at my wife. Its 1;15 and she hasn't left our house yet. A 40 min drive down here. At least one more hour I will miss out of their week. She sees them all week. But it was more important for her to spend time with her parents, after seeing them all weekend then it was for me to see my kids for just under 4 hours. She sees her dad everyday at work. I didn't go home this weekend so they could help grandpa with some things around his house. My wife wanted some alone time. So I guess I needed it to. I'm so ....ed at her right how. My hands are shaking. She should be her in 20 mins. So I don't have much time to get rid of this anger building into furry. I'm looking in the bag of tools that i have learned so I don't loose anymore time with them today. My wife has made it clear that it is over between us. But I still love her, and I love my kids. And every minute does count. Thanks for being there for me today. Thank you god for another 24 hours of sobriety.

Hugs and Kisses


Meg Moran said...

Nothing wrong with anger Steve, it's just another emotion we all have. It's how we act on it that counts. I hopw you were able to have a good visit with your kids. It is so hard for me when I am mad to let it go. I still work on that daily. Love to you brother.

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, Thanks for commenting on my blog today. Hmmm, anger, it is such a nasty emotion, gets one into so much trouble. I will pray you will receive mountains of self control, and things will go better for you. I hope you did have a nice visit with your family, even if things weren't as they should be. Stay strong, "This too shall pass".

heiresschild said...

hi steve,

i've visited your blog before, but i think i just read and didn't leave comments. i hope things turn out ok for you today with the visitation of your wife and children. the Bible says to not let the sun go down on your anger/wrath. i hope you can talk things out with your wife so the anger won't linger. i'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers.

ArahMan7 said...

Hope all is going well with you.

I'm still working on this anger management daily. It ain't pretty !! Difficult to do in the heat of the moment!

Scott M. Frey said...

it's ok that you're upset and mad and stuff... I hope you were able to find a tool or two before she arrived. Anger itself isn't necessarily bad, depending upon what we do with it. I will be praying for your my friend. Difficult times for sure. but, at the very least, you're in rehab working on you. You have an opportunity to come thru this all a better man.

hang in there, big ole sober hugs, prayers and peace to you, my friend!

lushgurl said...

Hey Steve I am glad that at lest you are in a safe, loving environment to help you DEAL.It says in the BB that acceptance is the key.
Try to enjoy your time with your kids and be good to you! I agree with some others that anger itself is not bad, it's what we Do about it that (I) need to look at
HUGS and loads of love to you today

Anonymous said...

Man, Steve, I could talk to you for hours about this cause I went thru a similar experience when I was in rehab -- a relationship ending, still loving the person, missing out on visiting time, etc.....I feel you, brother.
Try to remember we can't control anything from inside of rehab--just like we can't from outside of rehab. And keep TALKING about it!

Sober Steve said...

Had a great vist. It was quality time not quanity. Thanks for the prayers and wishes. I did ok with dealing with the emtions. Talked not yelled. But I had a gret vist. Off to go work out the body. The mind and soul needs a rest. Question to the others who have gone thru rehab. Is there ever a day that you do not cry. I would like to see that, but on the plus. I'm working my progrgam dealing with these emtions.

Hugs and kisses

Pammie said...

Thinking of you Steve......and wishing you well.
When you feel like you are walking thru HELL.....don't stop...keep moving toward the other side.
And there really is "the other side"'re doing good.

Anonymous said...

There will be alot more anger. Sorry to be brutally honest. Find many tools to keep a handle on it. There will be more hurt. Keep your positive thoughts handy.

Thoughts become Things...choose the good ones!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah...did she apologize?

heiresschild said...

hi steve,

i think quality is better than quantity, so i'm glad you had a good quality visit. you've taken a big step in your life and i commend you for it. we all have issues in our lives that we're working on, so you're never alone. it just takes time and patience with ourselves. you've made great strides already, and i know you can see some results. while i haven't had the problem, i was once married to an alcoholic. just take it a day at a time.

peace and blessings

Shadow said...

hey! thanks for popping in at my blog. and you asked: is there a day without crying at rehab? no! i cried, every day, more than once a day. i cried 'cause i was frustrated, angry, hurt, had hurt others, and then i cried 'cause i couldn't think of anything else to do... and i eventually got over the crying bit. but i do still cry a lot easier now than before rehab. good luck. i'm gonna pop in again to see how you're doing.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

Thank god!! for 'restraint of tongue and pen'
It ALL passes dontya see?...
and we get to feel like a right PLANK if we said something NASTY in the heat of the moment.
So well done!

Keep up the good work Stevo!

Patrick said...

AA will devour you, Steve! Get out while you are still new to recovery. AA nearly destroyed my mind. Read the ORANGE PAPERS it will blow your mind.
The other BLOGGERS don't care about you, Steve - I do!! I am a recovered alcoholic with 22 years of sobriety. Trust me, Steve! The only person who can help you is Jesus Christ. He delivered me from my "psychological prison," 3 years. AA doesn’t keep one sober - most people quit drinking by "spontaneous remission" - & then give AA the credit. The "ball is in your court," Steve! Bill Wilson was a manic-depressive scam artist who talked to dead people.
Peace Be With You